Month: November 2015

Is He a God of Plenty or of Little?

Today, on Black Friday, I am hit by how so many of us spend our money, especially in the Church. So often in the Church, we buy what is cheap, not what is needed. Whether we’re buying equipment for our building, assessments for our team, or even when hiring staff, we feel like we need to make a little go a long way. So we parse out our funds a little at a time buying what is cheap, not what is best for the situation. Too often there is such a difference and the resulting poor decision actually results in Kingdom set-backs instead of improvements.

Thanksgiving Update with our Consultations

As we approach Thanksgiving, I can’t help but be overwhelmed by our progress in helping our three scholarship churches enter into new life cycles.

Scientific Church

These are just some of the vital systems needed in a healthy church in order for her to fulfill her mission…to see people come to know Christ and follow him in all with of their heart. Seems in most churches we were afraid of Scientific Management so we reacted and never developed systems.

Releasing Southeast

Today, I spoke with Ryan Carrell, founding pastor of the Southeast Project, a church on the southeast side of Indianapolis. I tried for two weeks to connect with Ryan to hear about their recent 3-year anniversary. As a church planter in a portable church, he has many irons in the fire. When I finally caught him, he so honestly shared some of what was keeping him busy—he was releasing Southeast.

Multiplying in the Midwest – We’re Better Together

In 2012 states leaders and a few other interested pastors from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and HGC gathered in Indianapolis to wrestle with a couple key questions: How can we do church planting/church multiplication more effectively? How can we help our states move more toward a culture of multiplication? That conversation led us to ask an intriguing question, could we do it better if we did it together? The answer to that question was an emphatic yes! Trust grew quickly and a partnership was formed. The Midwest Multiplication Initiative was born that day and we went to work together!

How Healthy is Your Culture

I believe that one of the primary, if not THE most important, responsibilities of leadership is to create a CULTURE of health and vitality.

Thoughts on Coaching…from a restaurant?

Recently, my wife and I stopped at Coach’s Bar & Grill for dinner. What I saw on the back of the menu struck me…