Monthly Network Call – October 2017

October’s monthly network call featured HGC’s founder and chief innovation officer, Greg Wiens.  Greg clearly shared his passion for discipleship and the multiplication of groups in the local church.

Here are the top ten insights from the call:

  1. Life change occurs in the context of a close relationship.
  2. In the New Testament, micro churches were the Church and history has shown they multiplied like rabbits.
  3. In the church today, we are trying to multiply churches as a large body, which is akin to multiplying elephants.
  4. Key question: How do we create groups in the church to multiply like rabbits to create a foundation for multiplying churches?
  5. Elephants gestation period 630 days (almost two years). Rabbits gestation period is 30 days (one month).
  6. Fully engaged members of a group take ownership of growing their relationship with Jesus.
  7. A group leaders top two roles are to get group members engaged in scripture and using their spiritual gifts. This is the best way to ensure that spiritual growth is happening and sets up the group for both missional living and multiplication.
  8. Three simple questions for engaging in scripture:
    • What does it say?
    • What does it mean?
    • What does it mean to me?
  9. Groups need a shared responsibility for the group’s health and future multiplication of other groups.
  10. Every small group should…
    • Engage in scripture both inside and outside the group.
    • Listen to the Holy Spirit.
    • Ask how scripture applies to one’s life.
    • Provide an environment for deep and meaningful relationships.
  11. The Church has a responsibility to multiply both rabbits (groups/micro churches) and elephants (churches).

Download discussion notes from Birthing Rabbits or Elephants here

If you missed the call you can watch the full discussion here: