Exponential 2018 – Pre-Conference Equipping Lab Details

Exponential 2018 Is Here!!

We’re super excited about Exponential 2018 and our chance to lead off with our Wired for Impact Pre-Conference Equipping Lab!!

Here are some details to help you get started.
By registering through HGC, you’re part of the Pre-Conference AND the Main Conference. Let the Exponential volunteers know you’re part of “Wired for Impact – Hosted by Healthy Growing Churches” pre-conference. After you get your conference materials (book, badge, lanyard, etc.) in Faith Hall, head upstairs to join us!

Step 1: Check In.

Volunteers will check you in as you arrive. You’ll see several check-in stations around the campus.

Step 2: Pick Up Conference Materials.

Make sure to pick up your conference materials in the big room on the ground floor of Faith Hall.

Step 3: Worship on Monday: 1pm

We’ll get started at 1pm sharp Monday afternoon! There’s nothing like beginning with a time of worship in music to start things off well.

Step 4: TED Talk Style Presentations

Most of the presentations are designed to be short and to the point—kinda like TED Talks. We’re providing a blank journal for you to take notes as we learn from a wide variety of presenters!

Step 5: Huddles

We’ve incorporated huddles into the schedule this year. After the speaker presents the idea, we’ll ask you to gather in groups of 4 to 6 and discuss key points or answer questions as prompted by the speaker. After a quick time of discussion, we’ll hear from you, challenge the speakers, and collect your wisdom about the topic just discussed. The whole idea is to create an interactive atmosphere for everyone’s benefit.

Step 6: Dinner & Games

This year we’re heading to dinner and games at Andretti Orlando, 9299 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819.

Step 7: Rest For the Night!

Step 8: Worship on Tuesday: 7:45 a.m.

We get started Tuesday morning at 7:45 for worship

Step 9: Teaching Begins: 8:00 a.m.

Step 10: Exponential’s First Main Session @ 12:30 p.m.

Back to work!