Finding a Path Forward

It was that church. It was that church with the amazing story to tell. It was the first church of its kind in the area. In fact, at its founding over 100 years ago, it was known as the First Church of God Tulsa. It was that church that moved […]

The Lord’s Purpose Prevails

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21
When I was telling a member of the HGC team about my recent trip to Hungary, this verse came to mind. I am so honored to represent HGC in Budapest and work with some great Christians in this beautiful city. I am humbled to be a part of God’s purpose in this part of the world. But this journey hasn’t been according to my plans and it hasn’t followed the plans in our covenant.

Putting Big Dreams Into Boxes

Every day we are bombarded by messages, advertisements, people, telling us to get out of the box! We live in a culture that celebrates innovation, free thinking, and “the next best thing”: all of which come from “getting out of the box”. Being outside of the box is, indeed, a […]

Reflections from Sabbatical – Part 1

Stress and fatigue have a compounding effect on the leader of an organization (church, ministry or even a business). I love leading. It is something that I feel called to do by God and something that He has equipped me to do. I find leading fulfilling and satisfying. What I was oblivious to is how stress from leading builds up over an extended period of time, much like multiple coats of paint on a wall.

Walk around like you have no idea what you’re doing

For one week, I dare you to walk around like you have no idea what you’re doing.
You may be surprised how inaccessible churches can be to new guests.

Think Like a Church Planter

I have coached several pastors from established churches who were fighting existing patterns of ministry and a mentality that in many cases was hindering the church from having a high impact in their community. When one of those barriers would surface in our coaching conversations, the solution was clear: You have to begin to think more like a church planter.

Celebrating Leadership Initiative

One of the greatest needs in the church today is to invest in and develop future leaders. It was that passion to meet this great need that birthed Leadership Initiative. A training program specifically aimed at those who feel a call to ministry.

Preaching to the Unchurched

This past Spring, Journey Church made a major push to increase first time guest traffic. I began to mentally process the Easter talk I had written. I realized that it was a talk that simply would not connect with the people we had invited. It wasn’t the message of Jesus, His death for forgiveness of sin, or His resurrection from the dead that would be the disconnect. It was all about the way that I had planned to deliver that message.

Bulbs Create Light

Jesus talks about four kinds of people in the Kingdom when he describes the seeds sown on the soil (Matthew 13). Today I find there are these six types of people in the church with regard to how we handle our light (Matthew 5.14).

Jon Ferguson at the 2016 Network Gathering

Our Network Gathering Planning team is excited to announce our speaker for 2016 is Jon Ferguson.